Department for the Economy Board minutes 2020 - 29 January 2020
Minutes from departmental board meeting
29 January 2020
- Mike Brennan, Chair
- Colin Lewis
- Richard Rodgers
- Heather Cousins
- Diarmuid McLean
- Paul Grocott
- Wendy Johnston
- Stephen McMurray
- Alan Russell
- Lisa Morgan (NICSHR)
- Colm McKenna (Independent Board Member)
In attendance:
- Sharon Smyth (Secretariat)
- Michelle Bell, Central Management Branch
- Louise Warde Hunter, DfC (item 4 only)
- Nicola Creagh DfC (item 4 only)
Agenda item | Actions arising from discussion | Action owner and current position (to be completed prior to the next board meeting |
Declaration of interests | No new interests declared. | |
Chairman’s remarks | The Chair updated the Board on the Executive Away Day held on 22 January 2020 and the Minister’s recent meeting with Michel Barnier. | |
DB37/1 Action points from 28 November 2019 Departmental Board meeting. | The minutes were agreed without amendment. | |
DB 37/2 Presentation on Community Planning | Louise Warde Hunter DfC gave a presentation on the purpose of Community Planning and what DfC can do to support other departments | . |
DB 37/3 HR Business Partner update | The Board noted the paper. Actions: Chair to discuss need for financial & accountant expertise at SO/DP with Richard Pengelly in advance of next DfE Board. Lisa Morgan to update the Board on whether the recent external DP, SO and AO competitions have made a difference in attracting people from a diverse background. Lisa Morgan to provide update on the possibility of advertising part-time opportunities in future competitions. Members to provide feedback to Lisa Morgan on Phase 1 of the Management Information Dashboard. Members to encourage remaining staff to complete in-year reviews. Members were encouraged to schedule end of year reviews in advance of 31 March 2020. Members were encouraged to consider exploring other sources of expertise within the Department to deliver priority learning areas, eg through PDPs, Inform You Sessions, Central Engagement Team, etc. | Mike Brennan - Verbal update.
Actioned. All Board Members
All Board Members
Programme for Government/ Industrial Strategy Update | Diarmuid McLean updated the Board on the PfG and Industrial Strategy. | |
Preparations for EU Exit update | Paul Grocott provided an update on current preparations for EU Exit. | |
DB 37/4 Energy Strategy update | The Board noted the paper. | |
DB 37/5 RHI update | The Board noted the paper and Richard Rodgers provided an update on next steps. A discussion took place on offering the Economy Committee the opportunity to attend a future Departmental Board to discuss specific items such as Energy and EU Exit. | Secretariat Verbal update. |
DB 37/6 Monthly Finance update (including Budget 20/21)
| The Board noted the paper and Stephen McMurray provided an update to the Board on current budget pressures. | |
DB 37/7 update on work of the Casework Committee | The Board noted the paper and Colin Lewis provided an update on current position. | |
DB 37/8 Update on the work of the Resourcing and People Committee | The Board noted the paper. | |
DB 37/9 Delivery Committee Report, including Business Plan and Risk Register updates | The Board noted the paper and agreed the minutes of the Delivery Committee meeting. A discussion took place on the City Deals Project, including the need for clarification of additional funding in advance of establishment of a dedicated PMO and the potential for additional workload for the Casework Committee. | |
DB 37/10 Draft DfE Board Agenda 27 February 2020 | Action: The following be added to the February agenda: Economic Briefing Paper Minutes of January ARAC Meeting |
Actioned. |
AOB Departmental Readiness for EU Exit: Proposal for the Establishment of Departmental Readiness Board | Paul Grocott updated the Board establishment of a Departmental Readiness Board. It was agreed this Board should be a sub-committee of Departmental Board. Action: Presentation on the establishment/remit of the Readiness Board to be given to a future Departmental Board. | Paul Grocott Ongoing. |