Department for the Economy Board minutes 2024 - 29 May 2024
- Ian Snowden (Chair)
- David Malcolm
- Moira Doherty
- Shane Murphy
- (Name redacted) (deputising for Sharon Hetherington)
- Richard Rodgers
- (Name redacted) (deputising for Laura McPolin)
- Keith Forster (deputising for Paul Grocott)
- (Name redacted)
- Fiona Keenan (Non-Executive Board Member)
- Michael McKavanagh (Non-Executive Board Member)
In attendance
- (Name redacted) (Corporate Governance secretariat)
- (Name redacted) (Corporate Governance secretariat)
- (Name redacted) (Boardroom Apprentice)
- Sarah Brady (Board observer)
- Anne-Maire McConn – for Energy Strategy update item only
- Victor Dukelow – for Research & Evaluation item only
- Catherine Shannon – for HR item only
- Paul Grocott
- Sharon Hetherington
- Laura McPolin.
Agenda items
Agenda Item | Actions Arising from Discussion | Action Owner and Current Position (to be completed prior to the next Board Meeting) |
Agenda Item 1: Board Register of Interests/ Conflicts | No new interests declared. | |
Agenda Item 2: HR Update | Catherine Shannon presented. Recruitment - NICSHR have taken over end-to-end recruitment which is managed by Chris Smart.
- They have assessed caseload and what needs prioritised.
- There are currently some 200 competitions.
- They are looking at improvements, innovation and developing KPIs. The key focus is end-to-end process mapping. She or Chris can come to September Board if requested.
- They will be asking what DfE priorities are.
OHS Services/ Absence Management - A new lead Medical Officer has been appointed.
- They are looking at specific needs of Departments.
- They have advertised for new roles for medical and nursing staff, including occupational health technicians.
- They are working with CPD to procure a cloud-based referral system.
- The Medical Officer is looking at reports provided to managers.
- They are working on process mapping absence management and having a centre for absence management.
- They have issued a bereavement questionnaire re what support they can provide and also looking at mental health services.
People Plan - It will be launched on Monday and they will share with DfE. It will help form a long-term people strategy.
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Agenda Item 3: Update on Research & Evaluation work | Victor Dukelow presented. - Key areas are development and refresh of research programme and developing a research approach & strategy.
- Working in a partnership model with a co-design approach.
- The need for economic research is underpinned by the NICS guide to making policy works document.
- In the process of finishing a 3-year approach which takes up to the end of the mandate.
- Did a forensic review of Minister’s oral statement.
- Engaged with policy teams and SpAd to ensure sign up.
- Items of particular interest for SpAd/ Minister: - Job Quality Survey; All-Island cluster mapping; Lessons from other business development agencies; Impact of Windsor Framework; Minimum wage research; Employee ownership.
- Looking how to unpack the metrics on the 3 priority areas.
- Next steps to share with critical friends for info, obtain approval from Minister and publish new DfE Research Programme, facilitating delivery on numerous research projects.
- Victor outlined expected outcomes and maximising impacts.
- A different chart of stats is published on DfE internet weekly which gets good feedback and is a good way of engaging.
- Victor outlined work currently in development as well as conclusions and next steps taking into account issues, areas of improvement and actions.
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Agenda Item 4: Energy Strategy Update | Richard Rodgers and Anne-Maire McConn presented: - They are trying to deliver self-sufficiency in affordable renewable energy.
- Fossil fuel energy prices are volatile.
- Renewable energy tends to be free but requires capital investment.
- We are moving from a commodity to capital-based energy system.
- Massive economic opportunities which play to Minister’s 4 priorities.
- Very cross-cutting and engagement with all parts of DfE.
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Agenda Item 5: Minutes of Previous Meetings | Minutes of the April meeting were approved without amendment. | |
Agenda Item 6: Strategic Issues | Ian Snowden presented. Return of Conor Murphy - Minister Murphy has returned to duties.
General Election 4th July - Need to take care re pre-election announcements.
- Likely disruption to the Economy Committee as all but 2 members are candidates in the election.
Economy Committee - The Committee Clerk changed evidence supplied by DfE to the Committee before the Committee saw it.
Business Plan - A draft is being produced, with a session on Tuesday. Some work still to be done and Minister to approve.
Budget 2024/25 - This was voted through by the Assembly.
Programme for Government - This is being drafted. Publication is delayed because of the election.
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Agenda Item 7: Budget Discussion | (Name redacted) presented: - 23/24 Provisional Outturn - Positive outcome on RDEL and CDEL with 99.6% of Resource and Capital budgets utilised.
24/25 Budget - Whilst the budget remains in draft form until completion of equality screening a June monitoring exercise has been launched to be completed with a very tight timeframe.
- June Monitoring is necessary to enable the Executive to allocate circa £200m of additional Resource DEL.
- DfE controllable funding will not change materially. However, the £32 million of previously agreed HMT funding will flow to DfE as part of June Monitoring.
- Based on internal reduced requirements of £6.5 million coupled with £4.7 million of pressures, recommended to the Minister for approval, this will reduce the opening £14 million Resource DEL overcommitment by £1.5 million to £12.5 million,
- The largest pressure is Invest NI pay and pensions which is inescapable.
- Invest NI has declared a £17 million easement in their capital as they were successful in securing alternative funding, coupled with a fall in demand due to unavoidable market conditions.
- Capital easements of £18 million will be used to meet £18 million of Capital bids resulting in the Capital DEL overcommitment remaining at £12.8 million.
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Agenda Item 8: Papers for Approval | Corporate Risk Register - It was felt that more description was needed for some risks.
- A scale for rating or impact would be beneficial.
- A session on risk management approach will be at June Board.
- The Board agreed the quarter 4 updates.
Major Projects - The Board agreed that the Corporate Governance Director writes to relevant SROs to progress formal closure of projects in line with guidance from their P30 business partners.
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Agenda Item 9: Papers for Discussion: | Quarterly HR Paper (Name redacted) presented: - Options are on the table for a G7/G6 competition which needs signed off at Permanent Secretary level.
- Performance management compliance: at 21st May – end of year 62.9% agreed, 15.1% in progress. New year PPA 49.3% agreed, 12.1% in progress. Reminders may issue.
- Vacancies in Energy group rising, paperwork with NICSHR to progress.
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Agenda Item 10: Any Other Business | Future arrangements for departmental board meetings - Board meetings will alternate between current format and new strategic format which starts in September Board. The Strategic format will include horizon scanning, external participants and critical friends for each of Minister’s priorities. Members will be asked to provide a list of topics to consider. HR Business Partner will only attend meetings in the current format.
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Date of next meeting
Thursday 27 June 2024 at Tourism Ireland, Coleraine.