Publications schedule, statements and consultations

Official Statistics are fundamental to good government, the delivery of public services, and decision making in all sectors of society.

Code of Practice

Adherence to a Code of Practice for Official Statistics is essential to maintain a statistical service that meets the needs of government and society and which is both trustworthy and trusted. The production and dissemination of Official Statistics is governed by the Statistics and Registration Service Act (2007)

Official statistics and compliance with the code are regulated and assessed by the UK Statistics Authority

Official Statistics assessed as compliant are designated as National Statistics. National statistics for all UK administrations can be accessed through the publication hub

Publication schedule

The document below contains details of recent and forthcoming statistical publications.


The documents below provide details on how the Department ensure that the statistics they publish comply with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics:


Details of consultations initiated by Analytical Services branch in the Department are contained on this page.

Current Consultations

There are no consultations at present.

Past Consultations

Details of past consultations are listed below:

Customer Satisfaction Surveys


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