UK Subsidy Control/State aid flow chart
This Decision Tree provides a step by step guide to help identify most circumstances when financial assistance is a subsidy that falls within the scope of the UK Subsidy Control Act 2022 or is EU State aid that must comply with the State aid rules.
This decision tree covers the majority of outcomes but not all. For more information please contact: DfE Subsidy Control Advice unit
Alternative text
No UK Subsidy or EU State aid
Start - Is the beneficiary an enterprise? - NO - No Subsidy
Start - Is the beneficiary an enterprise? - YES - Is funding to enhance economic activities? - NO - No Subsidy
Start - Is the beneficiary an enterprise? - YES - Is funding to enhance economic activities? - YES - Enterprise making or trading goods or electricity? - YES - Purely local impact? / No effect on EU trade? - YES - No Subsidy
UK Subsidy
Start - Is the beneficiary an enterprise? - YES - Is funding to enhance economic activities? - YES - Enterprise making or trading goods or electricity? - NO - Options under UK Subsidy Control Act:
- Minimal Financial Assistance (MFA)
- Services of Public Economic Interest - (SPEI)
- Streamlined Route
- Principles Route
EU State aid Rules
Start - Is the beneficiary an enterprise? - YES - Is funding to enhance economic activities? - YES - Enterprise making or trading goods or electricity? - YES - Purely local impact? / No effect on EU trade? - NO - Options under EU State aid rules: