Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland: Year Ending March 2020

Date published: 04 June 2020

A report detailing the percentage of electricity consumption in Northern Ireland generated from renewable sources has been published today.

Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland: Year Ending March 2024
Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland: Year Ending March 2024

The ‘Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland: Year ending March 2020’ report details the percentage of electricity consumption in Northern Ireland generated from renewable sources and includes information on the type of renewable generation used.

The report reflects performance against the 2011-15 Programme for Government target which was to “Encourage achievement of 20 per cent of electricity consumption from renewable sources by 2015” and the Executive’s 2010-20 Strategic Energy Framework which included a target to achieve 40 per cent of electricity consumption from renewable sources by 2020.

Main results:

  • For the 12 month period April 2019 to March 2020, 46.8 per cent of total electricity consumption in Northern Ireland was generated from renewable sources located in Northern Ireland. This represents an increase of 3.9 percentage points on the previous 12 month period (April 2018 to March 2019) and is the highest rolling 12 month proportion on record.
  • In terms of the volume of electricity consumption between April 2019 and March 2020, some 7,695 Gigawatt hours (GWh) of total electricity was consumed in Northern Ireland. Over the same period, some 3,604 GWh was generated from renewable sources within Northern Ireland.
  • Of all renewable electricity generated within Northern Ireland over the 12 month period April 2019 to March 2020, 85.4 per cent was generated from wind.  This compares to 84.7 per cent for the previous 12 month period (April 2018 to March 2019).

The full report is available on the Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation Statistics page, .  

Notes to editors: 

  1. The information presented in the report is derived from data provided to DfE on a monthly basis by Northern Ireland Networks Ltd (NIE Networks). The monthly renewable electricity generation data is derived by aggregating output from renewable electricity generators who are connected to the transmission and distribution network using a combination of data held by NIE Networks and the System Operator for Northern Ireland (SONI). The renewable electricity generation data details the total amount of renewable electricity generated by such generators in Northern Ireland, by type of generation, for each month.
  2. There are some forms of renewable generation which are not covered by the data contained in the report. Due to their particular circumstances, neither NIE Networks nor SONI have information on the electricity generated by some renewable generators. These include microgenerators and a small number of generating stations that are unable to export electricity to the grid (non-export stations).
  3. Electricity consumption refers to the total amount of electricity consumption in Northern Ireland as recorded via metered data by NIE Networks.
  4. Electricity generated from renewable sources refers to renewable generators physically located within Northern Ireland and recorded by NIE Networks and SONI. It excludes microgeneration, non-export generating stations and any imported electricity derived from known or unknown renewable sources.
  5. Media enquiries to the Department for the Economy Press Office at pressoffice@economy-ni.gov.uk
  6. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.
  7. General information on the Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation for Northern Ireland report can be obtained from Sean Donnelly, DfE Analytical Services by email at sean.donnelly@economy-ni.gov.uk or by telephone on 028 9052 9793.

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