Stakeholder events - Barriers to Participation and Progression in Education

Date published: 06 March 2018

The Department for Economy is hosting a series of stakeholder events to seek views regarding barriers to participation and progression in education. Among other things, the events will look at barriers faced by young people, those with disabilities, adult learners, barriers to higher education and barriers caused by social exclusion.

Have your say!

The Department has produced a draft “Barriers to Participation and Progression in Education” report (available on request) and would like to invite you to discuss your views on the paper.  This is an opportunity for you to input ideas into an important piece of research work.

We will be seeking views on:

  • Gaps in evidence – areas that warrant further research;
  • Current project work you may want to combine with the research. If you would like us to review this before the event please email address the address below;
  • Ideas for further research.

Please note: On the day of the event we will be using an interactive method to gather anonymous feedback and would be grateful, if you are able to, if you could bring a smartphone or Ipad to the event.  Wifi will be available and passwords will be provided.

Dates and locations

Event dates are as follows:

Date Location Time
23 March 2018 Canal Court Hotel, Newry 9:30 am to 1:00 pm
28 March 2018 City Hotel, Derry City 9:30 am to 1:00 pm

All events start at 9:30 am (9.00am tea/coffee) and will finish with lunch at 1:00 pm.

How to register

If you are interested in attending please email advising of your chosen venue and date you would like to attend. 

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