Evaluation of Selective Financial Assistance in Northern Ireland, 1998-2004

Date published: 01 October 2007

An evaluation of Selective Financial Assistance over the period 1998-2004 was undertaken by a team of academics from Aston University, Kingston University and the University of Warwick. The research was jointly funded by DETI and DFP.

SFA evaluation 1998-2004

This evaluation  follows on from that undertaken by Harris et al., (2002) for the period 1983-84 to 1996-97. The overall aim of the evaluation was to assess the impact of selective financial assistance (SFA) against its objectives and determine the effectiveness of the programme.

The research team:

  • Professor Mark Hart (Kingston University)
  • Professor Nigel Driffield (Aston Business School)
  • Professor Stephen Roper (Aston Business School)
  • Dr Kevin Mole (University of Warwick) 

The specific research objectives were:

  • To estimate the business level impact of SFA
  • To ascertain the effectiveness of SFA in generating employment growth and productivity gains
  • To provide recommendations for future financial assistance
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