Training for Success Statistics from July 2013 to October 2016

Date published: 22 February 2017

This Statistical Bulletin is part of a quarterly series published by the Department for the Economy (DfE) to provide key information on the Training for Success (TfS) programme in Northern Ireland. The statistics presented in this Bulletin cover a range of topics including starts, occupancy, leavers and outcomes for participants on TfS.

The training provides young people with relevant qualifications as well as the required personal and behavioural skills to progress into work.

Statistics in this bulletin covers key information on the Training for Success programme in Northern Ireland, including the number of starts and leavers, occupancy and qualifications achieved. This information will be published on a quarterly basis going forward.

Ongoing work to improve data quality and accuracy has uncovered potential issues with the recording of disability on the Client Management System (CMS).

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