The future of the Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive scheme Consultation Report published

Date published: 31 January 2019

The Department for the Economy (DfE) today published its analysis of responses to its consultation on the future of the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive scheme.

The future of the Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive scheme Consultation Report published
The future of the Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive scheme Consultation Report published

DfE received a total of 258 responses to the consultation. The responses provided the Department with a range of information and views, including information from scheme participants on costs associated with biomass installations, the impact of tariff changes and data on capital costs.

The Consultation Report provides an impartial record of the views and information provided by respondents. It also outlines the Department’s key considerations in identifying its preferred option for the long-term payment structure for Non-Domestic RHI Scheme.

The Consultation Report can be accessed at: The Future of RHI non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme

The Department will now identify a preferred option for the long-term payment structure. The Department will then write to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland requesting that she sponsors legislation in Westminster which would give effect to that option (in the absence of a Northern Ireland Assembly).   

The Department is grateful to those who took the time to respond.

Notes to editors: 

In order to improve value for money and affordability of the Northern Ireland RHI Scheme, a tiered tariff structure was introduced to new entrants to the Scheme in November 2015. This tiered structure was then extended to all small and medium sized biomass boilers on 1 April 2017.

If this action had not been taken, the Northern Ireland Executive would have faced financial pressures of £700 million over the lifetime of the scheme as a result of flaws in the original design of the tariff.

The Department for the Economy undertook a public consultation on the long-term future of the Scheme including proposals on a range of tariff options.

There are other technologies which are eligible for support under the RHI Scheme, including solar and heat pumps. However, these technologies account only for a small proportion of the overall number of boilers accredited on the Scheme.

The background and the issues around the non-domestic RHI Scheme are well documented. For more information, please see the DfE website at Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Department for the Economy 

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