South Eastern Regional College offering six welding training opportunities

Date published: 04 February 2019

South Eastern Regional College (SERC) is collaborating with four local companies to offer six people the opportunity to learn valuable welding skills at its Bangor campus.

 Assured Skills Collaborative Welding Academy at South West College, with 12 training places.
Assured Skills Collaborative Welding Academy at South West College, with 12 training places.

The Department for the Economy’s Assured Skills Academy will see successful applicants receive four weeks’ training at SERC Bangor, followed by a two-week placement in a company. Applicants require no experience or qualifications.

Participants who successfully complete the full training course will be guaranteed a job interview.

Ann Williamson, Head of Employer Skills at the Department, says this is a valuable opportunity to gain skills that are in demand: “Businesses in the local engineering and fabrication sectors are continually seeking new people with skills in welding. This Assured Skills Pilot Welding Academy at SERC Bangor follows the successful delivery of welding training at Further Education colleges and companies across Northern Ireland.

“By giving learners the experience in both a learning and a workplace setting, we are helping to equip them with the skills they need to compete for jobs and help businesses continue to grow.

“With no qualifications or experience needed, this is an excellent opportunity for anyone seeking a new challenge to gain valuable new skills and potentially launch a career in welding.”

Elaine Flynn, Head of Business Services at SERC, said: “SERC is pleased to be able to deliver this Assured Skills Pilot Welding Academy with support from the Department for the Economy and in collaboration with four local companies. SERC has a track record of delivering high quality, industry-relevant training and we look forward to welcoming successful applicants to take part in the course.”

Participants will receive a weekly training allowance of £150, will be reimbursed travel expenses and may be eligible for child care allowance. Applicants must not have asthma in order to take part in welding. Applications are open until 15 February.

For more information and details of how to apply, visit the nidirect Assured Skills page.

After the four-week course at SERC’s campus in Bangor, learners on the SERC Assured Skills Welding Academy will have a two-week placement at one of the following companies:

  • Ballykine Structural Engineers, Ballynahinch
  • DM Laser-Fab Ltd, Lisburn
  • KME-Steelworks Ltd, Lambeg
  • Patterson Ring Rolling, Crumlin

Notes to editors: 

  1. Assured Skills is a pre-employment training programme run by the Department for the Economy. 
  2. Follow us on Twitter @economy_ni 

For media enquiries contact the Department for the Economy Press Office on 028 9052 9604 or email Out of office hours please contact the Duty Press Officer on 028 9037 8110.

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