Department for the Economy launches consultation on Equality Scheme, Audit of Inequalities and Disability Action Plan

Date published: 18 February 2019

The Department for the Economy has published for public consultation a draft Equality Scheme, draft Audit of Inequalities and draft Disability Action Plan, each covering the period 2016-2021.

Department for the Economy launches consultation on Equality Scheme, Audit of Inequalities and Disability Action Plan
Department for the Economy launches consultation on Equality Scheme, Audit of Inequalities and Disability Action Plan

The consultation seeks the views of key stakeholders and the general public on the content of these documents, which outline how the Department will fulfil its statutory equality and disability duties.

Consultation on the draft documents will end on 16 April 2019.

Copies of the draft documents, along with details on how to respond to the consultation, can be found on the Department’s website: Equality Scheme, Audit of Inequalities and Disability Action Plan.

The documents are also available in a range of formats on request. Please contact us with your requirements at:

Department for the Economy
Equality Unit, Corporate Governance, Planning and Equality Branch
Massey Avenue

Telephone:  028 9052 9827
TextRelay: 18001 028 9052 9827

Notes to editors: 

  1. Schedule 9 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 requires that all public authorities that are designated under the Act must set out in an Equality Scheme how it proposes to fulfil the duties imposed by Section 75 of the Act.
  2. Under Section 49A of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, as amended, public authorities are required, when carrying out their functions, to have due regard to the need to promote positive attitudes toward disabled people and encourage participation by disabled people in public life. In addition, under Section 49B public authorities are required to produce a Disability Action Plan (DAP) showing how they propose to fulfil these specific duties.
  3. A key recommendation of the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland Review of the Effectiveness (2008) of the statutory Section 75 duties was that public authorities should undertake an audit of inequalities by examining their functions and how these relate to the promotion of equality and good relations.
  4. Development of the Department’s Equality Scheme, Disability Action Plan and Audit of Inequalities has been delayed due to the suspension of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the absence of Ministers.
  5. For further information, please contact DfE Press Office on 028 9052 9604. Out of office hours, please contact the Duty Press Officer on 028 9037 8110 and your call will be returned.
  6. Follow us on Twitter @Economy_NI

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