Call for Evidence - new Social Economy Work Programme from April 2024

Date published: 07 September 2023

The Department for the Economy funds a Social Economy Work Programme which delivers strategic support to the social enterprise sector. The Work Programme is currently delivered on the Department’s behalf by Social Enterprise Northern Ireland (SENI).

Draft one-year work programme

The current three-year work programme comes to an end in March 2024, and DfE has developed a draft one-year work programme to run from April 2024. The work programme has a greater focus on the outcomes that the Department would like to see, and contains draft objectives and activities developed to align with the 10x Economic Vision, specifically the inclusive growth ambitions.

We want your views

Your views are welcomed on the proposals. It is the Department’s intention to go to open call for delivery of objectives 1 - 3 of the programme in November 2023, taking account of feedback obtained. The research outlined under objective 4 would be taken forward separately by DfE.

The deadline for the survey is 5.00 pm on Tuesday 31 October 2023.

The survey is at: Call for evidence - Social Economy Work Programme

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