Analysis of NI Trade in Goods 2016 - 2018

Date published: 05 September 2019

Last year the Department for International Trade (DIT) launched public consultations into possible future UK free trade agreements (FTAs) with Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America together with potential accession of the UK to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). 

In October 2018 the Department for the Economy (DfE) produced slide packs for the period 2015 – 2017 reporting statistics and analysis of Northern Ireland’s (NI) trade in goods to assist local stakeholders respond to the consultations (see Analysis of NI Trade in Goods).  It also published its own response to the consultations which can be found at: see DfE response - consultations - possible Free Trade Agreements - accession to Trans-Pacific Partnership

These publications (excluding CPTPP) have been updated to reflect the period 2016 - 2018. The first report provides information on NI’s total imports and exports. Specific reports then follow providing statistics on NI imports from and exports to Australia, Japan, New Zealand and the United States of America.  DIT has signalled its intent to move quickly to a UK-Japan trade agreement following the UK’s exit from the EU and for that reason information on NI’s trading relationship with Japan has also been included.  

The information used in the analysis is from HMRC’s Regional Trade Statistics (RTS). The analysis is for the trade in goods only (services are not included).

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