Apprenticeships and Training Statistics consultation 2021

Date published: 23 August 2021

The Apprenticeships and Training Statistics consultation gave users the opportunity to comment on three statistical bulletins: Training for Success (TfS), ApprenticeshipsNI (APPSNI) and Higher Level Apprenticeships (HLAs).

Youth Training Statistics and Research Branch (YTSRB) carried out a user engagement consultation on Apprenticeships and Training Statistics using an online survey which opened on 26 April 2021 and closed on 15 May 2021. The purpose of the consultation was to help the branch develop a more concise, accessible and relevant set of reports that would help meet users’ needs. The consultation gave users the opportunity to comment on what they used the statistics in these bulletins for, the statistical breakdown of information they used and the aspects of the bulletins they found useful. Respondents were also asked to provide information on what they thought would enhance the coverage or quality of these statistical bulletins.

Please note this consultation has now closed.

  • Opening date: 26 April 2021
  • Closing date: 15 May 2021

Thank you to everyone who took part in this consultation.

You said

The consultation responses are summarised in a series of graphs and tables in the attachment below along with comments where free text was requested. A copy of the consultation questionnaire is also attached below. All published responses have been anonymised.

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