ESF Information Memo 20/22 - project post-programme contact details and participant contact consent

Date published: 05 December 2022

As discussed at the Keeping in Touch meetings on 30 November and in accordance with Article 140 CPR, beneficiaries must ensure that all documents relating to each operation, its implementation and financing are retained until 31 December 2030 or otherwise instructed by the Managing Authority. (Letter of Offer Section 6.16 to 6.19).

To comply with this requirement and the programme retention schedule we are now requesting projects to provide details of an information manager who will have access to ESF related documentation following programme close. Ideally this person should also have access to, and be able to update ESIF.

The form attached should be completed and returned to no later than Wednesday 4 January 2023.

Additionally as a contingency plan for the collection of Long Term Result Indicators the department will require contact consent from participants. Any participant who exited after 20 September 2022 should be asked to give their consent to the department contacting them to collect this result.

The attached template should form part of the participants exit interview and signed consent uploaded under the PTP section of the database. As with the PTP if a wet signature is not provided a cover e-mail from the participant, in which they clearly consent to being contacted by the department, should be uploaded alongside their consent form.

Only participants with this in place can be contacted by the Department. Those without will remain the responsibility of the Project.

If you have any queries please contact

Kind regards,

Sarah Sheppard
Performance Manager

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