Evaluation of the assessment and awarding arrangements for vocational qualifications in Northern Ireland 2020-2021

Date published: 27 July 2022

The Covid pandemic has continued to cause considerable disruption to teaching and assessment throughout the 2020/21 academic year and a wide range of adaptations and support measures were implemented to ensure that as many learners as possible could achieve their vocational qualification (VQ) awards and progress to further study, training or employment.

To assess the effectiveness of the extraordinary arrangements, the Department commissioned CCEA Regulation to undertake an evaluation with particular focus on the Summer 2021 VQ exam series.

The evaluation utilises both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to assess the effectiveness of the awarding arrangements and to identify lessons learnt.

If you have any queries, please contact the Vocational Education Policy Team at vepbranch@economy-ni.gov.uk


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