External overnight trips to Northern Ireland publications

Date published: 26 May 2016

The most recent annual tourism statistics were published on the 26 May 2016. 

These publications were revised on 12th August 2016 due to a revised weighting mechanism for the Household travel survey, conducted by Central Statistics Office regarding overnight visitors to Northern Ireland from the Republic of Ireland. More information can be found at the link below.

The impact of this revision on the estimates for overall trips, nights and spend to NI was less than 1%. When looking at external overnight trips to NI, the biggest differences were in estimates of expenditure in 2013 and 2014 (1.3%). As per the Tourism Statistics Branch Revisions policy, TSB have published more information on the minor impact to tourism statistics at this link (impact of HTS methodological change August 2016). The change in methodology has been discussed at all-island Tourism Statistics groups and NISRA have followed up with key users following this to discuss implications, however the impact is small.

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