Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) - statutory information

Date published: 24 September 2018

Last updated: 23 July 2024


Under Regulation 51(2) of the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012, the Department for the Economy is required to publish information on the non-domestic RHI scheme in aggregate form. 

The legislation requires information to be published in aggregate form on:

  • the number of accredited RHI installations
  • the technology and installation capacity of those accredited RHI installations
  • the amount of heat those accredited RHI installations have generated
  • the total amount of periodic support payments under each tariff

This information is now available and has been supplemented by:

  • tariff schedules for the non-domestic RHI Scheme
  • a geographical breakdown of the distribution of installations by boiler type
  • Northern Ireland non-domestic RHI Scheme budgetary position
  • number of installations, capacity and heat output by industry sector

The department is also required to publish information on the number of participants who are producers of biomethane, the volume of biomethane produced for injection by those participants and the total amount of periodic support payments made in respect of that biomethane. However, there are currently no biomethane installations accreditated under the non-domestic RHI Scheme.

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