Revised Northern Ireland Implementation Plan - response to the European Commission

Date published: 09 October 2020

Last updated: 11 July 2023


The Department for the Economy submitted an Implementation Plan to the European Commission (EC) in advance of concluding electricity capacity contracts through the Single Electricity Market in 2020.

This was a requirement of Article 20(3) of the recast Electricity Regulation [(EU) 2019/943] on the internal market for electricity. The plan as initially submitted to the EC is available at:

Following submission, the EC considered the implementation plan, providing an opinion and inviting Northern Ireland to amend the plan to take account of comments contained in its opinion. The European Commission opinion on the Northern Ireland Implementation Plan is available at:

The Northern Ireland Implementation Plan has been revised accordingly, and is now available.

Implementation Plan for Northern Ireland - Annual Monitoring Reports

In accordance with Article 20(6) of Regulation (EU) 2019/943, all Member States with identified resource adequacy concerns are required to monitor the application of their implementation plans and to publish the results of the monitoring in an annual Monitoring Report for submission to the Commission. These Monitoring Reports have been prepared in fulfilment of this requirement for Commission opinion under Article 20 (7).

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