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2099 publications

The Independent Review of Careers Guidance carried out by Dr Deirdre Hughes OBE on behalf of the Department for the Economy.

Published 25 March 2022Research and analysis

This research assesses the impact of the Northern Ireland High Street Scheme, rolled out in autumn 2021, with a specific focus on gathering business feedback on the scheme.

Published 24 March 2022Statistical reports

The Department for the Economy is seeking to appoint a Certification Officer (CO) for Northern Ireland. The term of office is for five years and, subject to satisfactory performance, the CO may be offered reappointment at the end of their term for a further period of

Published 24 March 2022Forms

The Department for the Economy is seeking to appoint a Chair to the Board of Construction Industry Training Board NI (CITB NI). It is intended that the successful candidate will take up post on 1 July 2022.

Published 24 March 2022Forms

‘Skills for a 10x Economy’ sets a strategic framework for the development of our skills system to 2030.

Published 24 March 2022Policy papers

This document provides a summary of how the Department adheres to the UK Statistics Authority Code of Practice for Official Statistics and the National Statistician’s guidance on quality.

Published 23 March 2022Statistical reports

This statistical bulletin has been produced by the Department for the Economy (DfE), Northern Ireland (NI) and provides information on Higher Education (HE) qualifications gained by students at NI Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and by NI domiciled students at UK HEIs in

Published 23 March 2022Statistical reports

This statistical bulletin has been produced by the Department for the Economy (DfE), Northern Ireland (NI) and provides information on the number of NI students enrolled at UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the number of students enrolled at NI HEIs in the academic y

Published 23 March 2022Statistical reports

This paper explores a cohort of businesses that carried out research and development over the period 2016-18.

Published 22 March 2022Research and analysis

This report provides a detailed understanding of the skill requirements for the Northern Ireland economy, up to 2030. The research analyses where the skills gaps are currently, where they are emerging and where they are likely to emerge over the longer term.

Published 16 March 2022Research and analysis

Privacy Notice outlining how personal data will be handled in relation to the High Street Scheme - Remedy Payments.

Published 16 March 2022Notices

This is the annual report for the Department for the Economy. The report provides information about the range of activities in which the Department has been engaged over the past year, ended 31 March 2021, and its performance against its key commitments and targets.

Published 09 March 2022Financial plans and reports

In the context of recent rising energy prices reflecting considerable volatility in wholesale markets, the Living Costs and Food survey household expenditure data for Northern Ireland was re-examined to explore: the pattern of energy expenditure by households in Northern Irela

Published 08 March 2022Research and analysis

This circular replaces FE 01/19 and clarifies the procedures for colleges claiming for approved capital expenditure.

Published 08 March 2022Circulars

The Department for International Trade (DIT) are seeking views on working towards a new Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in 2022 with Israel. 

Published 08 March 2022Research and analysis

Equality screening for the Organisational Development and Transformation (ODT) Programme.

Published 07 March 2022Impact assessments

The latest Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland publication was published on 3 March 2022 and can be accessed at the link below.

Published 03 March 2022Statistical reports

The management information presented in this release relates to data extracted on 27 January 2022.

Published 28 February 2022Statistical reports

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) is an international project which seeks to provide information on the entrepreneurial landscape of 43 countries in 2020.

Published 24 February 2022Research and analysis

This Statistical Bulletin is part of a biannual series published by the Department for the Economy (DfE) to provide key information on the Training for Success 2013 and 2017 programmes (TfS 2013/2017) in Northern Ireland and contains data to October 2021.

Published 23 February 2022Statistical reports

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