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2109 publications

The European Social Fund (ESF) Operating Manual has been produced by the Programme Managing Authority, which is part of the European Fund Management Division within the Department for the Economy (DfE). 

Published 26 March 2019Guidance literature

Economic research

The 2015 UK Budget introduced a new National Living Wage for all workers aged 25 and over, and took effect in April 2016. It is the UK Government’s goal for the National Living Wage to rise to 60% of median earnings by 2020.

Published 25 March 2019Research and analysis

These two research papers provide an examination and quantification of the potential impact of EU Exit on the attractiveness of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland to greenfield Foreign Direct Investment under a number of possible scenarios.

Published 25 March 2019Research and analysis

This paper provides analysis and information on the estimated overall value and volume of retail goods purchased in NI in 2017 and estimates the proportion of goods in NI which are sourced from GB or are transported into NI via GB from other parts of the world.

Published 21 March 2019Research and analysis

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) of  "The Education (Student Support) (NO. 2) Student Fees (Qualifying Courses and Persons) and Education (Student Loans) (Repayment) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019"

Published 12 March 2019Impact assessments

The Department of Enterprise Trade and Investment's Research Agenda 2012 to 2015 identified ‘encouraging business growth’ as a key theme.

Published 12 March 2019Research and analysis

These statistical factsheets have been produced by the Department for the Economy (DfE), Northern Ireland (NI), using data collected by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).

Published 07 March 2019Statistical reports

The latest bi-annual Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland publication was published on 7 March 2019 and can be accessed at the link below

Published 07 March 2019Statistical reports

This document provides infographics and summary analysis of migrant workers in Northern Ireland based on information from NISRA and ONS. 

Published 07 March 2019Research and analysis

The UK Government commissioned the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) to advise on the economic and social impacts of international students in the UK. This is the response from the Department for the Economy.

Published 05 March 2019Correspondence

DfE administers funding to NI Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) to support research that addresses the challenges faced by developing countries.

Published 05 March 2019Development plan/framework

In 2017, it is estimated that the Northern Ireland service sector had external sales (sales made outside of NI) of £5.8bn with £2bn of those sales being exported (sales made outside of GB and NI).

Published 04 March 2019Research and analysis

Department for the Economy Board minutes for the calendar year 2019.

Published 01 March 2019Agendas and minutes

This statistical bulletin has been produced by the Department for the Economy (DfE), Northern Ireland (NI) and provides information on the number of NI students enrolled at UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the number of students enrolled at NI HEIs in the academic y

Published 28 February 2019Statistical reports

This statistical bulletin has been produced by the Department for the Economy (DfE), Northern Ireland (NI) and provides information on Higher Education (HE) qualifications gained by students at NI Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and by NI domiciled students at UK HEIs in

Published 28 February 2019Statistical reports

The Department for the Economy has announced extensions to the terms of office of a number of Chairs and board members of public bodies it sponsors. 

Published 28 February 2019Notices

Advice on 2018/19 year end performance monitoring data download.

Published 28 February 2019Guidance literature

Advice on providing quarterly target breakdowns of performance targets.

Published 28 February 2019Guidance literature

This document provides a summary of how the Department adheres to the UK Statistics Authority Code of Practice for Official Statistics and the National Statistician’s guidance on quality.

Published 28 February 2019Statistical reports

This official statistics release presents a range of analysis regarding enrolments during the steady state phase of the Higher Level Apprenticeship programme.

Published 27 February 2019Research and analysis

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