UU Magee Taskforce - meeting minutes 16 May 2024

Second meeting

Thursday 16 May 2024 at 10.00am



  1. Welcome                                                                              
  2. Discussion: current and future skills need                     
  3. Conflict of interest                                                               
  4. Terms of reference                                                           
  5. Minutes from last meeting                                                 
  6. Summary of previous meeting and engagement          
  7. Papers                                                                                                          
  8. Presentation (Ulster University - Capital Plan)
  9. Presentation (Derry City and Strabane Council - City and District Vision)  
  10. Secretariat resourcing                                                      
  11. Any other business                                                            
  12. Date of next meeting and future engagements             

Taskforce members in attendance

Name Role

Chair,  Stephen Kelly (SK)

CEO, Manufacturing NI

Vice-chair, Nicola Skelly (NS)

Executive Director, Washington Ireland Programme 

Prof Paul Bartholomew (PB)  

Vice-Chancellor, Ulster University  

Prof Paul Seawright OBE (PS)

Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Ulster University

Moira Doherty (MD)

Deputy Secretary, Skills and Education Group, Department for the Economy  

Alison Wallace (AW)

Strategy Manager, Waterside Neighbourhood Partnership  

Mary MacIntyre OBE (MM)

Chartered town planner

Paul Hannigan (PH)

Head of College, Atlantic Technological University Donegal

Paddy Mackel (PM, attended virtually)

University and College Union

Dawn McLaughlin (DL)

Non-executive director, Invest NI  

John Kelpie (JK)

Chief Executive, Derry City and Strabane District Council  

Leo Murphy (LM)

Principal and Chief Executive, North West Regional College    

Gavin Killeen MBE (GK)

Managing Director, Nuprint Technologies Limited  

Steven Lindsay (SL)

Deputy Vice President, Londonderry Chamber of Commerce 


Rebecca Allen (RA) - President, Ulster University Students Union

Agenda items


  1. Welcome

SK welcomed attendees to the meeting. He advised the theme of the meeting was ‘The Economy’ and discussions would focus initially on maximising the economic benefit by analysing the current and future skills demand, with the input of business representatives from the North West.  

SK also introduced Mary MacIntyre who has joined the taskforce as a member. All taskforce members were invited to introduce themselves to the business representatives present.

  1. Discussion: current and future skills need

SK welcomed representatives from various businesses which all have an existing strong presence in the North West (FinTru, Alchemy and Seagate).

Each business gave an update on the current skillset of their workforce, noting the partnerships that have been helpful in obtaining candidates with the skills they require.

The representatives discussed predicted changes in the workforce needs in the coming two to five years (for example, the rise of artificial intelligence and super computers) and how partnerships would be key in ensuring future supply of candidates with relevant skills.

Various course options for future provision were discussed. These included regtech, fintech, insurance tech and green tech, as well as photonics and short business courses. There was agreement on the need for strong ‘soft skills’ such as decision making and team working skills. Potential options for intervention in the future were also discussed.

AW noted that opportunities need to be accessible to all members of the community. The taskforce also discussed the need for local schools to be fully aware of the FE and HE options, as well as the potential for rewarding careers in the North West. LM suggested this should be local conversations by taskforce members themselves.

Business representatives left the meeting at 11.15am.

  1. Conflict of interest

LM advised that the temporary chair of the governing body of North West Regional College (NWRC) is Director of Regional Engagement of Ulster University.

  1. Terms of Reference

All taskforce members confirmed they were content, and no amendments were required to the Terms of Reference. These are now taken as approved.

  1. Minutes from last meeting

All taskforce members confirmed they were content, and no amendments were required to the minutes of the previous meeting.

  1. Summary of previous meeting and engagement

SK provided a recap of the previous meeting, updated members on subsequent progress made including engagement with stakeholders and set out the areas that still need to be bottomed out. There was a discussion on the need to confirm the precise meaning of the New Decade New Approach (NDNA) target of 10,000 students and whether this refers to full time equivalents (FTE).

The taskforce also discussed the capital and resource allocations within DfE's draft budget for 2024/25 which have been ring-fenced for expansion at Magee.

Action Point 1: DfE to obtain guidance from Minister on the interpretation of the 10,000 student commitment within NDNA.


  1. Papers

The papers issued by the secretariat at the request of the Chair were discussed.

The taskforce noted the work of the previous PACEC business case and SK asked for views on whether the content  should be updated to aid development of the action plan. Members discussed and agreed that updates to the document were not needed at this time. There was consensus that, whilst providing  a good starting point, the report had served its purpose already and updated data had been provided by the department.

The taskforce noted the recently launched Royal Irish Academy Paper “Building Community: Strengthening and stimulating tertiary regional collaboration in the North-West of the island of Ireland” and agreed it provided helpful context and background to the work of the taskforce.

  1. Presentation (Ulster University)

PB presented a summary of capital projects that are planned in the campus.

The group discussed the information and plans presented by Ulster University.

Action Point 2: DfE to confirm if it is in a position to provide funding for engaging consultants to help UU in updating and augmenting its project plan for incorporation within the Interim Report.

Action Point 3: DfE to investigate model and sources of funding for student accommodation financing.


  1. Presentation (Derry and Strabane District Council)

JK gave a presentation covering Derry City and Strabane District’s Inclusive Strategic Growth Plan 2017-2032, including the City and District’s vision and ambition, an overview and progress of the City Deals/Inclusive Future Fund as well as some further considerations. This included the riverfront regeneration, traffic remodelling and the new teaching space housing the Graduate Entry Medical School.

The group discussed the information presented by DCSDC. 

Action Point 4: DfE to engage with DoH regarding allied health professional places at Magee and tuition fee loan arrangements for students attending the Graduate Entry Medical School.


  1. Secretariat resourcing

MD gave an update on the status of resourcing the new Magee Expansion Division within the Department of the Economy including appointment of a director, as well as sourcing a report writer for the taskforce secretariat.


  1. Any other business

None noted at this time.

  1. Date of next meeting

The next meeting was confirmed for 5 June 2024.  

Action points

Action points from this meeting:


Action point




DfE to obtain guidance from Minister on the interpretation of the 10,000 student commitment within NDNA.




DfE to confirm if it is in a position to provide funding for engaging consultants to help UU in updating and augmenting its project plan for incorpopation within the Interim Report.




DfE to investigate model and sources of funding for student accommodation financing.




DfE to engage with DoH regarding allied health professional places at Magee and tuition fee loan arrangements for students attending the Graduate Entry Medical School.



Action point brought forward from previous meeting:


Action point




DfE to source the following:

  • data on school leavers and current trends – subjects studied, aspirations, realistic size of the projections towards HE.




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