UU Magee Taskforce - meeting minutes 5 June 2024


1. Welcome 

Chair/Vice Chair

2. Discussion with Joseph Kennedy III, Special Envoy to Northern Ireland Economic Affairs

  • Student attractiveness
  • Smart specialisms
  • Infrastructure
Chair/JK III
3. Discussion: A plan that works for the community Community Reps
4. Conflict of interest   All
5. Minutes from last meeting/update on action points Chair/DfE
6. Summary of previous meeting Chair/Vice Chair
7. Future work plan and engagement  Chair/Vice Chair
8. Any other business Chair/Vice Chair
9. Date of next meeting All


Taskforce members in attendance

Chair, Stephen Kelly (SK)

CEO, Manufacturing NI  

Vice-Chair, Nicola Skelly (NS)

Attended Virtually

Executive Director, Washington Ireland Programme  

Prof. Paul Seawright OBE (PS)

Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Ulster University

Moira Doherty (MD)

Deputy Secretary, Skills and Education Group, Department for the Economy  

John Kelpie (JK)

Chief Executive, Derry City & Strabane District Council  

Leo Murphy (LM)

Principal and Chief Executive, North West Regional College    

Paul Hannigan (PH)

Head of College, Atlantic Technological University Donegal  

Steven Lindsay (SL)

Deputy Vice President, Londonderry Chamber of Commerce  

Dawn McLaughlin (DL)

Non-Executive Director, Invest NI  

Mary MacIntyre OBE (MM)

Chartered Town Planner

Paddy Mackel (PM)

University and College Union

Gavin Killeen MBE (GK)

Managing Director, Nuprint Technologies Limited  

Rebecca Allen (RA)

President, Ulster University Students Union  



Prof. Paul Bartholomew (PB)  

Vice-Chancellor, Ulster University  

Alison Wallace (AW)

Strategy Manager, Waterside Neighbourhood Partnership  

  1. Welcome

SK welcomed attendees to the meeting. He advised the theme of the meeting was ‘Community’; and discussions would focus on ensuring the expansion of the campus is designed and delivered in partnership with the local community, with the input of community representatives from the local area. 



  1. Discussion with Joseph Kennedy III, Special Envoy to Northern Ireland Economic Affairs

SK advised that Joseph Kennedy III was unable to attend the meeting.


  1. Discussion: A plan that works for the community

SK welcomed the community representatives to the meeting. He recognised that the expansion of Magee is a concern to the local community and asked them to share their views on the expansion and how it could be delivered with the community in mind.

The community representatives all agreed that the expansion of the university is positive news for the city, and they welcome more students. They described the strong sense of community in the local area and stressed how important it was that the expansion does not dilute this. Specific issues discussed included student accommodation and the need for more purpose-built student accommodation, car parking in the surrounding area, and the use of public transport.

Recognising the potential expansion of university managed accommodation on Duncreggan Road, it was suggested that a public realm scheme from Duncreggan to the campus could be explored.

All community representatives stressed the importance of designing the expansion of the campus in partnership with the local community. The Taskforce were all in agreement that early engagement with the community and continued communication will help to shape solutions. The Taskforce agreed to keep the community representatives informed of progress.

Examples of good practice are available and a document from AW would be shared with the Taskforce.

Community representatives left the meeting.


Action Point 1: DfE to contact Department for Infrastructure (DfI) to arrange discussion regarding infrastructure issues highlighted.


  1. Conflict of Interest

No further Conflicts of Interest.


  1. Minutes from last meeting/update on action points

All Taskforce members confirmed they were content, and no amendments were required to the minutes of the previous meeting. The secretariat provided updates on the Action Points.


  1. Summary of previous meeting

SK provided a recap of the previous meeting, and updated members on subsequent progress made including engagement with stakeholders and the areas that still need further discussion. He noted the business representatives’ desire for science degrees and interest in RegTech, FinTech and Photonics as future course options but also stressed that Magee has four faculties, and the importance of expanding courses in all areas of study.

The Taskforce noted the capital and resource allocations within DfE's draft budget for 2024/25 ring-fenced for expansion at Magee. SK drew attention to the significant resource allocation secured as a direct intervention for the 2024/25 intake of students. Ulster University will advise the Taskforce in due course regarding how it will utilise the allocated additional funding.


  1. Future work plan and engagement

SK identified that the next critical actions are securing an outline programme plan for all future Ulster University Magee capital projects and an overview of Ulster University’s Academic Planning for Magee. He advised that the Department for the Economy has secured resource from The Strategic Investment Board to provide expert advice/guidance on the capital projects delivery.

PS requested a discussion in regards to accommodation at the next taskforce meeting.

SK noted the significant cross-border element linked to the expansion of the Magee campus and will address it in future meetings.

SK suggested there is an opportunity for the Taskforce to take learnings from the rapid expansion of University of Limerick as Limerick City has a very similar population size to Derry City but a much higher proportion of university enrolments versus population.

SK gave an update on the status of resourcing the new Magee Expansion Division within the Department for the Economy.

Action Point 2: DfE to follow up with Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) to seek a representative to the Taskforce.  

Action Point 3: Taskforce to consider a meeting with University of Limerick in the coming months.


  1. AOB

None noted at this time.


  1. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting was confirmed for 1 July 2024.


Action Points


Action points from this meeting:


Action Point




DfE to contact Department for Infrastructure (DfI) to arrange meeting regarding infrastructure issues discussed.




DfE to follow up with Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) to seek a representative to the Taskforce.  




Taskforce to consider a meeting with University of Limerick in the coming months.





Action points brought forward from previous meetings:


Action Point




DfE to source the following:

  • data on school leavers and current trends – subjects studied, aspirations, realistic size of the projections towards HE.





DfE to obtain guidance from Minister on the interpretation of the 10,000 student commitment within NDNA.




DfE to investigate model and sources of funding for student accommodation financing.




DfE to engage with DoH regarding Allied Health Professional places at Magee and tuition fee loan arrangements for students attending the Graduate Entry Medical School.



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