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2099 publications

This research, completed by Queen’s University Belfast, provides insights into how Northern Ireland’s SMEs have responded to the Covid-19 pandemic, based on data from the latest wave of ONS Business Impact of Covid-19 Survey (BICS) and the new ERC Business Futures

Published 31 March 2021Research and analysis

All Department for the Economy staff (including consultants and contract staff) must declare any gifts or hospitality offered to them in relation to their official duties, whether accepted or declined, including the names of those making and receiving the offer.

Published 29 March 2021Notices

Covid-19 and the latest restrictions are having an ever-developing and cumulative impact on the local economy.

Published 26 March 2021Research and analysis

All Department for the Economy staff must formally declare any potential conflicts of interest as soon as it is feasible to do so after they have identified them, in accordance with the NICS staff handbook. Conflicts of interest declarations require DfE staff to provide p

Published 25 March 2021Notices

Equality screening for the "Delivery of additional financial support to HE students in Northern Ireland who have been impacted by Covid-19".

Published 22 March 2021Impact assessments

Equality screening of the Department for the Economy’s proposed Resource Departmental Expenditure Budget 2021/22 Internal Allocations.

Published 18 March 2021Financial plans and reports

Invest NI wishes to appoint a Chairperson and three Members to the Board of Northern Ireland Co-operation Overseas (NI-CO) from 1 September 2021 (Chairperson) and 1 October 2021 (board members). 

Published 18 March 2021Forms

This statistical bulletin presents a range of analysis regarding enrolments and students (both regulated and non-regulated) in the Northern Ireland further education (FE) sector covering academic years 2015/16 to 2019/20.

Published 16 March 2021Statistical reports

The Higher Level Apprenticeship (HLA) in Northern Ireland (NI) bulletin covers provision of HLAs at level 4 and level 5 across the academic years 2017/18 to 2019/20.

Published 16 March 2021Statistical reports

The Higher Level Apprenticeship (HLA) Statistical Fact Sheet covers provision of HLAS at level 6 and 7 across the academic years 2018/19 to 2019/20.

Published 16 March 2021Statistical reports

A privacy notice related to the Careers Advisory Forum (CAF).

Published 12 March 2021Notices

The Student Support Regulations provide for support for students undertaking designated higher education courses.

The Regulations set out the rules for matters on:

Published 11 March 2021Impact assessments

Independent research to understand the implications of Covid-19 on accessibility to/from Northern Ireland given the region’s heavy reliance on air and sea access for trade, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and tourism.

Published 10 March 2021Research and analysis

The latest Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland publication was published on 4 March 2021 and can be accessed at the link below.

Published 04 March 2021Statistical reports

This is a French translation of a European Social Fund case study featuring WOMEN'STEC

Published 02 March 2021Promotional material

This is an Italian translation of a European Social Fund case study featuring Action on Hearing Loss.

Published 02 March 2021Promotional material

A German translation of the European Social Fund case study featuring Action on Hearing Loss specialist employment programme.

Published 02 March 2021Promotional material

This document outlines the impact of the NI Executive's draft Budget for 2021/22 on the Department for the Economy's ability to progress its current portfolio of work to meet Programme for Government commitments.

Published 25 February 2021Financial plans and reports

This is the ninth in a regular series which will keep key stakeholders updated on progress with developing the new energy strategy.

Published 25 February 2021Guidance literature

This circular replaces FE 01/18 to update and consolidate departmental guidance for colleges of further education in Northern Ireland in developing and reviewing their estate strategies.

Published 25 February 2021Circulars

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