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2109 publications

The Corporate Governance Code Northern Ireland requires the Department for the Economy (DfE) to have an effective Departmental Board which provides leadership for the Department’s business and helps it to operate in a business-like manner.

Published 29 September 2020Business plans

The Department for the Economy has produced a report on the potential renewable electricity projects coming through the planning pipeline. The report provides information on projects at various stages of the development process.

Published 28 September 2020Research and analysis

This is the fourth in a regular series which will keep key stakeholders updated on progress with developing the new energy strategy. 

Published 25 September 2020Guidance literature

This is the annual report for the Department for the Economy. The report provides information about the range of activities in which the Department has been engaged over the past year, ended 31 March 2020, and its performance against its key commitments and targets.

Published 24 September 2020Financial plans and reports

This paper, completed by the Fraser of Allander Institute on behalf of the Department for the Economy, examines the potential for embracing and monitoring inclusive growth in Northern Ireland.

Published 15 September 2020Research and analysis

Equality screening around recommencing on-site educational delivery in FE colleges and non-statutory contractors.

Published 15 September 2020Impact assessments

Equality screening around costed postgraduate awards (PGA) extensions: PGA Studentship Scheme, US Ireland (USI) Programme and SFI/DfE Investigators Programme Partnership (SFI/DfE IPP).

Published 14 September 2020Impact assessments

The department commissioned the Economic and Social Research Institute to carry out research around Northern ireland inputs to Republic of Ireland EU FTA (free trade agreement) exports.

Published 07 September 2020Research and analysis

The latest Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland publication was published on 3 September 2020 and can be accessed at the link below.

Published 03 September 2020Statistical reports

Equality screening of the Provision of £126m Financial Transactions Capital (FTC) loan financing to Ulster University (UU) to assist in bridging the funding gap in its Greater Belfast Development (GBD) project.

Published 01 September 2020Impact assessments

Equality screening around legislative powers to close or direct the further and higher education institutions in Northern Ireland as a result of Covid-19.

Published 01 September 2020Impact assessments

Equality screening around COVID-19 supplier relief schemes for ApprenticeshipsNI (AppsNI) training contractors, Training for Success (TfS) training contractors and Disability Support Service (DSS) contractors.

Published 01 September 2020Impact assessments

This is the third in a regular series which will keep key stakeholders updated on progress with developing the new energy strategy. 

Published 28 August 2020Guidance literature

This paper, completed by the Fraser of Allander Institute on behalf of the Department for the Economy, examines the potential impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Northern Ireland economy.

Published 28 August 2020Research and analysis

This circular sets out the terms and conditions for the payment of the Care to Learn (NI) Scheme, which provides childcare support to students, aged under 20, at the start of the course.

Published 27 August 2020Circulars

This Statistical Bulletin is part of a biannual series published by the Department for the Economy (DfE) to provide key information on the ApprenticeshipsNI 2013 and 2017 programmes and contains data up to the end of April 2020. 

Published 26 August 2020Statistical reports

This Statistical Bulletin is part of a biannual series published by the Department for the Economy (DfE) to provide key information on the Training for Success 2013 and 2017 programmes (TfS 2013/2017) in Northern Ireland and contains data to April 2020.

Published 26 August 2020Statistical reports

The guidance is to assist further education colleges (FECs) and non-statutory contractors (NSCs) to meet these responsibilities by providing a planning framework for the resumption of on-site education and training in FECs and NSCs in Northern Ireland following the c

Published 24 August 2020Guidance literature

Documents for the use of European Social Fund (ESF) projects to be used to provide information and returns relating to ESF monthly claims

Published 21 August 2020Forms

Equality screening of Law Centre - employment rights project.

Published 07 August 2020Impact assessments

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