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2109 publications

The Quality Report highlights any associated quality information for the data, statistics and information referenced in the Energy in Northern Ireland 2020 report. The Quality Report can be accessed at the link below.

Published 25 June 2020Research and analysis

Report on the operation of  the non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) voluntary buy-out arrangements in 2019/20, which was laid before the Northern Ireland Assembly on 22 June 2020.

Published 22 June 2020Corporate reports

The services sector in NI accounts for about 75 per cent of Gross Value Added (GVA) and 80 per cent of employment. NI sells about £6.5 billion of services outside of the region.

Published 22 June 2020Research and analysis

Rebuilding a stronger economy - the medium term recovery towards a more competitive, inclusive and greener economy. The focus of this paper is on the medium term recovery: a 12 to 18 month period.

Published 17 June 2020Research and analysis

This is the first in a regular series which will keep key stakeholders updated on progress with developing the new energy strategy. 


Published 15 June 2020Guidance literature

This memo provides guidance to project promoters around the transfer of edit function of ESIF database from RMA to PDB Performance Team.

Published 12 June 2020Guidance literature

A presentation on the impact of COVID-19 on the Northern Ireland economy and the economic policy response.

Published 11 June 2020Statistical reports

This report covers analysis carried out on ApprenticeshipsNI participants registered in Northern Ireland for the 2017/18 tax year.

Published 10 June 2020Research and analysis

This plan was approved by the Minister for the Economy on 4 June 2020.

Published 08 June 2020Business plans

The latest Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland publication was published on 4 June 2020 and can be accessed at the link below

Published 04 June 2020Statistical reports

This leaflet promotes the Consumerline service and highlights awareness of scams related to the coronavirus pandemic.

Published 04 June 2020Promotional material

The coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating impact on our economy. Each month of shutdown is akin to a large recession. This is the first in a series of communications on how our economy will recover from the pandemic.

Published 29 May 2020Research and analysis

Equality screening of the Department for the Economy’s proposed Resource Departmental Expenditure Limit (RDEL) Budget 2020/21 Internal Allocations.

Published 26 May 2020Impact assessments

Summary of Equality Screening of 2020/21 Resource Budget 

Published 26 May 2020Impact assessments

The Department monitors recently published relevant research reports and, each quarter, produces a summary in the Research Digests for wider dissemination.

Published 07 May 2020Research and analysis

In summer 2019 the Department for the Economy undertook a call for evidence relating to hardship associated with participation in the Non-Domestic Northern Ireland Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme.

Published 29 April 2020Research and analysis

A factsheet has been produced that details monthly online job posting trends across Northern Ireland. It includes an assessment of selected sectors as well as skills in demand.

Published 08 April 2020Research and analysis

This research has been produced by the Ulster University Economic Policy Centre, led by Invest NI, using the methodology developed in the Skills Barometer, in order to undertake a more detailed skills analysis at a localised level within Northern Ireland.

Published 31 March 2020Research and analysis

Advice from DfE NICSHR Business Partner on working remotely.

Published 30 March 2020Guidance literature

Given the importance of migrants to the NI economy the Department for the Economy (DfE) commissioned Oxford Economics to assess the potential economic impacts of the UK Government’s Immigration proposals which will come into effect on 1 January 2021. It is recognise

Published 26 March 2020Research and analysis

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