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2099 publications

The latest quarterly tourism statistics can be accessed below.

Published 19 January 2017Statistical reports

Northern Ireland Construction Output Statistics Historical Data

Published 19 January 2017Statistical reports

The construction output statistics are derived from the Quarterly Construction Enquiry (QCE).  This is a sample survey carried out by NISRA on 700 Northern Ireland firms in the construction industry each quarter.  In addition, public bodies carrying out construction

Published 19 January 2017Statistical reports

Information on forms, confidentiality and response rates.

Published 19 January 2017Statistical reports

The latest Northern Ireland Air Passenger Flow statistics can be accessed below.

Published 19 January 2017Statistical reports

Northern Ireland Construction Output bulletin, data tables and infographic.  Also, includes tables in CSV format.

Published 19 January 2017Statistical reports

  • NICEI Q3 2016 bulletins, charts and tables
  • NICEI Q3 2016 combined statistical press release

Published 19 January 2017Statistical reports

Downloadable tables associated with the Q3-2016 Northern Ireland Composite and Economic Index (NICEI)

Published 19 January 2017Statistical reports

Claimant Count Tables - December 2016 

Published 18 January 2017Statistical reports

Claimant Count Revisions

Published 18 January 2017Statistical reports

Redundancy Tables - December 2016

Published 18 January 2017Statistical reports

Council Area Statistics - December 2016

Published 18 January 2017Statistical reports

Claimant count statistics by parliamentary constituency area

Published 18 January 2017Statistical reports

The following sources provide data by Northern Ireland's travel to work areas

Published 18 January 2017Statistical reports

Claimant count by Northern Ireland’s NUTS 111 regions

Published 18 January 2017Statistical reports

Labour Market Report downloadable tables

Published 18 January 2017Statistical reports

Labour Market Report – January 2017

Published 18 January 2017Statistical reports

Labour Force Survey tables for September – November 2016

Published 18 January 2017Statistical reports

LFS historical key data series September – November 2016

Published 18 January 2017Statistical reports

Application forms and guidance notes for the US-Ireland R&D Partnership Programme.

Published 17 January 2017Guidance literature

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