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2099 publications

Claimant Count Revisions

Published 19 October 2016Statistical reports

Redundancy Tables - September 2016

Published 19 October 2016Statistical reports

Labour Market Report – October 2016

Published 19 October 2016Statistical reports

Labour Market Report downloadable tables

Published 19 October 2016Statistical reports

Council Area Statistics - September 2016

Published 19 October 2016Statistical reports

Claimant count statistics by parliamentary constituency area

Published 19 October 2016Statistical reports

Labour Force Survey tables for June – August 2016 which were published 19th October 2016.

Published 19 October 2016Statistical reports

The following sources provide data by Northern Ireland's travel to work areas

Published 19 October 2016Statistical reports

Claimant count by Northern Ireland’s NUTS 111 regions

Published 19 October 2016Statistical reports

LFS historical key data series June – August 2016

Published 19 October 2016Statistical reports

The purpose of this review is to identify whether or not the Department, through its Disability Action Plans, has met its statutory requirements to encourage persons with a disability to participate in public life and promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities

Published 18 October 2016Corporate reports

Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 requires public authorities, in carrying out their functions relating to Northern Ireland, to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity and regard to the desirability of promoting good relatio

Published 18 October 2016Corporate reports

Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 (the Act) requires public authorities, in carrying out their functions relating to Northern Ireland, to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity and regard to the desirability of promoting good relations across

Published 18 October 2016Corporate reports

Based on analysis of data from the 2015 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, this report estimates the potential direct impact of the National Living Wage in Northern Ireland between 2016 and 2020 in terms of the characteristics and scale of the employees impacted and the asso

Published 14 October 2016Speeches and statements

Northern Ireland Construction Output bulletin, data tables and infographic.  Also, includes tables in CSV format.

Published 13 October 2016Statistical reports

  • NICEI Q2 2016 bulletins, charts and tables
  • NICEI Q2 2016 combined statistical press release

Published 13 October 2016Statistical reports

Downloadable tables associated with the Q2-2016 Northern Ireland Composite and Economic Index (NICEI)

Published 13 October 2016Statistical reports

Details of Tourism Statistics Branch statistics revision policy.

Published 06 October 2016Statistical reports

Details on revisions to tourism statistics can be accessed below.

Published 06 October 2016Statistical reports

This page contains the Annual Progress Report 2016 for the former Department for Employment and Learning (DEL).

Published 05 October 2016Corporate reports

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