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2098 publications

Research Bulletins are short analytical articles on topical economic and labour market issues. They help to build understanding of current trends and raise awareness of research and analysis carried out.

Published 31 August 2023Research and analysis

Northern Ireland has a centuries-old tradition of shipbuilding, including the large part of the 20th century when it was the most prolific builder of ocean liners in the world.

Published 23 August 2023Guidance literature

This ad hoc report presents analysis from a one-off data linkage pilot project linking ApprenticeshipsNI (AppsNI) records with employment and earnings data.

Published 23 August 2023Statistical reports

In October 2022, the Department for the Economy published its research programme “A 10X Economy - Research Programme 2022-23 and Beyond”. This highlights the key research areas as the department seeks to deliver on its 10X Economy Vision.

Published 21 August 2023Contract management

This plan sets out what the department will do to fulfill its obligations in respect of its disability duties under Section 49A of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.

Published 17 August 2023Business plans

The department's Audit of Inequalities and associated Action Plan provide a strategic overview of inequalities and set out the actions by which we intend to address inequality.

Published 17 August 2023Business plans

The Department for the Economy is required to prepare an annual general report under Article 372 of the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 on matters within the Insolvency Order.

Published 17 August 2023Corporate reports

The Department for the Economy has completed a public consultation exercise on the draft Circular Economy Strategy for Northern Ireland.

Published 16 August 2023Consultation reports

Further education equality tables have been produced in response to a request from the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (ECNI) for its ‘Measuring Equality in Northern Ireland’ monitoring framework.

Published 14 August 2023Research and analysis

The department monitors recently published relevant research reports and, each quarter, produces a summary in the Research Digests for wider dissemination.

Published 04 August 2023Research and analysis

This circular sets out terms and conditions for the payment of the Hardship Fund (Discretionary) from 1 August 2023 and supersedes previous guidance.

Published 03 August 2023Circulars

This circular provides information and guidance on further education (FE) grants and supersedes FE Circular 08/22.

Published 03 August 2023Circulars

This circular sets out the requirements for FE colleges to prepare their 2022/23 annual report and financial statements.

Published 02 August 2023Circulars

Equality screening of "Tourism - The Grading Inspection of Certified Tourist Establishments (Fees) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2023".

Published 27 July 2023Impact assessments

Section 75 equality screening for the "Period Poverty Pilot Programme Year 3".

Published 26 July 2023Impact assessments

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Annual Report for 2022/2023 produced by the NOS Governance Group.

Published 25 July 2023Corporate reports

The aim of the policy is to support people over 40 with low skills to engage in learning; to achieve recognition in the form of accredited or non-accredited qualifications; to aid career progression; or to support those wishing to gain qualifications to return to the workplace

Published 24 July 2023Impact assessments

Equality screening carried out for the Phase 2 Ignite Your Skills Pilot – Eight months policy.

Published 21 July 2023Impact assessments

Research carried out by Queen’s University Belfast assessing the impact of parental leave policies on a range of labour market outcomes for both men and women using the UK household longitudinal study for 12 consecutive waves, 2010-2021.

Published 17 July 2023Research and analysis

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) is an international project which seeks to provide information on the entrepreneurial landscape of 49 countries in 2022.

Published 07 July 2023Research and analysis

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